57. IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show | 16-19 April 2025
58. IJS Istanbul Jewelry Show | 01-04 October 2025
  Venue | Istanbul Expo Center

3 Competition Ways for Jewelers

Estimate Reading Time: 3 min

Istanbul Jewelry Show, one of the world’s top international fairs, offers a platform for jewelry sector professionals to share business information and attract opportunities. Several companies, jewelry brands, and exporters trade introduce and share their jewelry with professionals. The Istanbul Jewelry Show is a comprehensive marketplace of an increasing number of professionals and jewelry competitions along with trade show services. 

While Istanbul Jewelry Show allows jewelry sector professionals to engage and do business with others. Long-term goals should be planned. If you are an exporter, trader, jewelry store owner, or professional, business planning, setting long-term goals, marketing, and more is of utmost importance. Every person works to earn money, using short-term goals to save the day. However, as a company in the jewelry industry, coming to fruition will require planning, organizing, and developing long-term plans.

Goals that are set for the future of the business are long-term goals. Short-term goals are those which take less time to reach but help advance towards the long-term goal. These goals together make a massive difference to the future of any business including jewelry. Through this blog, we will check some aspects of the business of jewelry. 

Invest in Your Marketing

Marketing increases brand awareness through traditional and digital marketing. Nowadays, digital marketing has taken the storm, being an effective marketing method. Every business needs a planned marketing strategy that can push their brand higher than competitor jewelry brands. 

Customers of the 21st century have greater expectations and would most likely approach brands that have more popularity. Therefore, if potential customers come across your brand, which does not have a good presence online, it can create a disadvantage in converting them to buyers. Businesses implementing marketing strategies online and traditionally can create a strong presence and reputation, which can, in turn, increase sales and leads. Therefore, marketing for jewellers is a must if to bring in customers. 

Improve Customer Service and Experience 

If a single negative review is given to a jewelry store, a significant impact on the leads and sales occurs. Customer satisfaction and experience should be a priority for businesses. Delivering a good experience can be very effective on gaining and losing a potential customer. Customers should be treated well throughout the process, including pre-sales, post-sales, and during the sale. 

Satisfied customers are frequent customers. When they receive the service or product they want quickly and feel happy, they provide a good review and suggest your brand to their friends and family. This increases brand loyalty and recognition through free and positive marketing that can potentially bring in more customers. Against the competition, good reviews from customers can propel your business forward. 

Additional Discounts and Sales Price 

Additional discounts may not be a great idea. Most brands and businesses lower the prices for their customers in order to win a buyer. If the cost of the service or product is reduced, the shortfall should be made up by working harder as compared to competitor brands to make the same finance. They have to work a greater number of hours while competitor brands relax and focus on marketing with the same amount of money. 

Giving additional discounts to customers means creating an implication that you do not have faith in your services and products. So the most significant focus is creating customer loyalty instead of worrying over the price. Before your business grows, research the customer base and focus on building the sales price, sales policies for jewellers, and jewelry price policy. 

While focusing on your business, it is always better to stick to the goals, long-term and short-term. The above plans are a must in your business planning. This way, you can win more by converting more buyers and creating a better relationship with your customers. 

The show will be held on 7-10 October 2021 at Istanbul Expo Center. If you wish to visit Istanbul Jewelry Show, you can register online when online visitor registration is live. You can witness the 7000-year-old history of Turkish jewelry and Turkish jewelry export system. You will have a chance to look at a wide variety of eye-catching Turkish collections and engage with business professionals from all around the world. By visiting the show, jewelry sector professionals and members can examine the jewelry industry under one roof as a great jewelry competition. Click here to subscribe the e-newsletter to learn when online registration is live.

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